Spring is Here!

Spring is here!


Well, we’ve welcomed in Spring and what lovely weather it has been. It’s amazing how uplifting and mood boosting the sun can be, even if there is a chilly wind accompanying it.

As a team we’ve recently been on a foraging rampage. Scrabbling through woodlands and brambly hedges reaching for what we want and what we want to try. The spring months bring some excellent finds as many things begin to shoot up or come into season.

Spring is a wonderful time in nature. After the cold and wet months of winter, signs of new life begin to emerge. The air is crisp, the sights are colourful and the sounds of birds tweeting away brings us hope and happiness.

The first leaves and flowers of native trees are one of the earliest signs to the changing of seasons. Ash, beech and oak begin to burst with buds. Leaves begin to emerge from silver birch and alder, and there are delicate blossoms of blackthorn and crab apple. Watching the frosty mornings develop into hazy, sunny mornings where the buds and shoots are budding is always a lovely start to a day.

At Wild Cornwall HQ we’re lucky to be surrounded by beautiful greenery and gardens which bring vibrant yellows, pinks and purples into our sphere – we now await the days our buzzy bee friends join the party.

As the flowers begin to grow, we tend to see the pollinator population grow with it. Encouraged by the increasing temperatures, beetles, spiders and ladybirds join the bumblebees which typically emerge from their hibernation in March.

Our woods are home to amazing plants and animals, the freshly scented bunches of wild garlic and the bluebells harbour endangered wildlife. We recommend taking advantage of the freedom we have in entering woodlands, responsibly of course. When exploring be sure to take some factors into consideration:

  1. Stay on the paths

Protect fragile wildflowers and ground nestling wildlife by sticking to the guided root.


  1. Take dog mess home!

Firstly, no one wants to step in it and secondly it can spread diseases. Keep the woodland clean and healthy by tidying up after your dog.


  1. Leave sleepovers to the wildlife

Setting up camp can damage plants and disturb woodland life.


  1. Be considerate with dens

If you’re moving around sticks, logs or stones, consider whether that is a home for a family of insects. Woodlice are notorious for setting up camp under rocks and logs!


Enjoy what spring has to offer, fresh weather, wildlife and pretty flora. A great time to get out exploring!


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