Sometimes eating a good roasted vegetable bake is exactly what you need. Vegetables contain so many healthy nutrients and vitamins, and baking them is such a healthy method to maintaining the beneficial properties. The good thing about this dish is you can choose whatever veg you want to go in it, but here is how we make up this tasty delight.
- ½ Butternut squash
- ½ gem squash
- ½ spaghetti squash
- 200g slice of pumpkin
- ½ celeriac
- 1 red onion
- 3 cloves of garlic
- 1 teaspoon chilli flakes
- 1 tablespoon of Trelonk Raw Wildflower Honey
- 1 tablespoon Wild Cornwall Countryside Herb Mix
Preheat the oven to 220°C
Chop all the squash and other roasting veg into equal sized chunks and spread as thinly as possible in the biggest, lowest sided baking tray you own.
Drizzle with extra virgin olive oil, chilli flakes and Wild Cornwall Countryside Herb Mix and pop into the oven for 15 minutes
Give the tray an aggressive shake and return to the oven for a further half an hour.
Remove from the oven, drizzle with Trelonk Raw Wildflower Honey and serve alongside a cheesy gratin and garlicy greens.
This recipe serves 4 people happily, and if there isn’t 4 of you, don’t worry. You can either half the ingredients or have leftovers for your lunch the following day.
Now sit back with a glass of wine or two and enjoy with friends and family.
Bon Appetit!